Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 

Introduction: Knowledge is defined as the information, understanding and skills that you gained through education or experience. Based on our text above, we can see that the Isrealites had zeal for God but their zeal according to Apostle was not based on knowledge. I therefore, admonish you my brethren that there is a need for you to channel your zeal towards the things God through knowledge. Do not do things because other people are doing them but do things according to knowledge. Here, i want to let you know that God is faithful and from generation to generation He remains God.
I want to challenge you to take responsibility for your life in the year to come by acting on the word of  God. I mean,you should be the doer of the word not hearer alone.
I want to introduce you to some principles that i know will always deliver because God has set them in motion right after creation.
Principles are predictable anytime and any day. As you put these principles to use, you will be surprise at the kind of results they will deliver to you.
1.WHAT YOU SAY WITH YOUR MOUTH: Numbers.14:26-30" The LORD said to Moses and Aaron:  "How long will this wicked community grumble against me? I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites. So tell them, 'As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very things I heard you say:  In this desert your bodies will fall — every one of you twenty years old or more who was counted in the census and who has grumbled against me. Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun"
Brethren, we can create our world by what we say with our mouth. God is listening to hear you say something about your life, marriage, business e.t.c
Do u know that you can save yourself from that situation by what you say? Rom.10:10 says with the heart a man believed but with the mouth confection is made unto salvation. You can save yourself from that unpleasant situation you find yourself. No wonder,Prov.18:21 says life and death is in the power of tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit therein. Rom.4:17; Ezek.37:1-14. Send your word in the direction you want your life to go.Prov.6:2 says you can enslave yourself by what you say. Beloved, change your word and your world will change for the best.
2.THE KIND OF SEED YOU SOW: Gen.8:22 says as long as heaven endures, seed time and harvest ...... shall not cease. Gal.6:7;Prov.3:9. Means that sowing and reaping will be as unchangeable and predictable as day and night. Which means that every action has a predictable consequence. As long as the law of gravity works,then the law of sowing and reaping will always work. Brethren,you have another opportunity to express your zeal through knowledge and determine what you want for yourself through your seed.
3.YOUR THOUGHT:Prov.23:7 says as a man thinks in his mind, so is he.
There is saying that if you want to change a man, change his thinking because a man is literally what he thinks, his character being the sum of all his thoughts.
As the plant springs from, and could  not be without the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them.Thoughts in the mind has made us what we are.A man's mind may be liking to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must and will bring forth. All am saying in essence is that you should think thoughts that will redirect your life positively.For your thought will produce for you an harvest whether positive or negative.
4. DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD: Ps.37:4 says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. Another principle that will deliver your heart desires to you is when you make the Lord and the things of God your delight.
Delight means to give great pleasure, please greatly, honor the lord. This principle will make all things to walk together for your good all because you love God.Look unto God and make Him your priority.
I look forward to hearing your testimony as you put these principle to work.
Please, leave your comments

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Understanding the purpose of a thing will guarantee a proper use of such thing. This festive period , i think we need to reflect on the reason for this season. People all over the world will indeed celebrate Christmas even though many do not really understand why Jesus was born.
So the question is: why did He come?
1. Matthew.1:21 let us know that He came to save us from our sin.
2. John.10:10  let us know that He came to give you and i life and not only life but life in abundance.
3. 1 john.3:8 let us know that He was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil.
Truly, His birth was to mine and your advantage, to take away sin, lack, sickness, failure, barrenness, oppression of the Devil e.t.c and to restore mankind to their first position (Eden), dignity,beauty e.t.c.
Beloved, He came to deal with all you are passing through.Jesus is the reason for this season.
But, will you trust Him to perfect you?

please leave your comments.


TEXT: REV.1:6;5:10.

If you have given their life to Christ, you are not only a child of God but also a king. God has made you a king and the Bible says in Ecclesiastics.8:4 that where the word of a king is, there is power. Meaning as God's word carry and transmit power, your words also have in them creative ability to produce for you a harvest of what you say.
Oftentimes,we beg God to do something for us instead of us to decree those things to existence. In fact,we beg God for almost everything.
Beloved,you are a king and kings don't beg: rather kings make decrees. Job.22:28 says thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you. The reason you can make decrees or issue commands and have them established unto you is because you are acting on God's word,you are taking your place as God's king priest ordained to reign on earth.
Beloved,it is high time we take advantage of our office as kings,so that we can begin to live as kings that we are,issuing decrees and see them come to pass.
Go ahead and decree into your life
I decree that am reigning in life: in my health, finances and every area of my life.The glory of God is manifesting in me, i walk in victory,i walk in dominion, i manifest success,glory, excellence by the power of God's Spirit, am unstoppable-no sickness, poverty,failure can stop me in life in Jesus name.
Praise God! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


TEXT: MARK.2:1-4.

I have come to announce to you that you are closer than you think. You have seen people give testimonies and you wonder when is it going to be your turn. Its your turn to testify in the name of Jesus.
You must note that the closer you are to your miracle, the more things become difficult and its the plan of Satan trying to see if you will turn back and miss your miracle. Its just like a pregnant woman who is in labor and when the pain becomes unbearable, then you know that the Baby will soon arrive.I do not know what your are pregnant with and now the pain is unbearable. Know that the increase in pain is an indication that you will soon deliver.
1. Do not quit: Quitters don't win. Life is full of quitting points but you must understand that you are not a failure because you fail, for failure is a temporary setback. But you are a failure when you fail and you refuse to try again. Note that quitting does not build character but endurance does. And endurance will turn your dream to reality.
Brethren, you have what it takes to turn your dream to reality. Man is equipped with many part of his body in duplicate i.e eyes, ears, arms, legs e.t.c so that if one fails the other can do just enough for both. So i have no excuse, you have no excuse.
2. Be radical in your approach : v:4 of our text says it all. Confront the challenge and if need be, remove the roof. Gen.32:24-26, Jacob said to the Angel, though my joint is out of the socket, i will not let you go unless you bless me. Remember that you have what it takes.
3. Combine your faith with action :  James.2:17. The people that brought the paralytic man  had faith and that is why they could carry him but their faith was challenged  and instead of them turning back, they increase their faith and works. Brethren, if you need to sow more seeds for you to have your miracle,go ahead and sow. If you need to get some training to bring your dream to reality,please do not hesitate for God has given you all it takes for you to succeed.
Conclusion: Brethren, it is too late for you to go back. Like the Isrealite at the bank of the red sea. With few steps you will discover that the sea will turn to a dry ground for you. Remember that you are closer than you think.

Prayer: I will not give up before my time in Jesus name.
Please comment.



Tell me who you want to please and i will tell you who your God is.
We normally seek approval from one source or the other:
(a) There are people who simply want to please themselves, they have passion for self-fulfillment and self satisfaction. But this attitude is in contrast to the Lord Jesus who pleased not Himself. (Rom.15:3).
(b) There are those who live to please others (1Thess.2:4).
(3) There are those who live to please the Lord (1Thess.4:1).
There is this popular story about an old man,his son and his Donkey. The story goes like this-
An old man and a young boy who were leading a donkey on a journey. As they proceed on their journey, they met a traveler who thought it is foolish that they would be working when they have an Ass to ride on. So the old man and his son climbed the donkey and as they proceed on the journey,they met another traveler who rebuked them for being cruel to the donkey by allowing the donkey to carry heavy load. At this point, the old man alighted from the donkey and started walking while his son remained on the donkey. As they proceed a little further they met another traveler who said the boy was not fare to his Dad by sitting on the Donkey while his Dad was walking. So the boy alighted while his Dad climbed on the Donkey and not too long they met another traveler who said to the old man that he should be the one walking while his son should be on the donkey. The old man and his son was confused because they do not know who to please among the travelers and the conclusion of the story was that the man and his son were seen carrying the Donkey on their heads.
Their attempts at doing what they and others thought to be right resulted in frustration and additional burden. By trying to please everybody, they ended up not pleasing anybody.
This predicament is a  characteristic of many Christian seeking to determine who they will please. The inborn drive for approval complicates and frustrate their lives.
George Muller  was asked the secret of his success in  ministering to Orphan in England and he reply that there was a day he died to George Muller,his opinions, preferences, tastes, will, died to the world, its approval or blame even of my brethren or friends and since then i have study to show myself approved unto God alone. For this man, the issue of approval was settled by his commitment to please God alone.
Brethren, all am saying is about control - who or what control me? The answer will determine who i want to please.
 NOTE: That the fear of man could hinder God's control in your life (Prov.12:42-43). I.e.  Abraham for fear of man denied his wife. Peter denied his master because he fear man.
Those who desire to please God will not be controlled by criticism and condemnation or compliments and commendation from men.
Conclusion, the one you want to please is the one you want to control your life, the one who control your life is the one you establish as God or small god.
In John.8:29, Jesus said that He did those things that please the father ALWAYS. If you remove always,it become an easy statement to make. However, when you include the word always, you are talking about being controlled by passion to please God. You have also answer the question who is your God. 

Please, leave your comments.


TEXT: 2 COR.4:18

I have come to encourage someone today. That you should not consider your very present  circumstance because it is temporal. Meaning it is subject to change. As you know that the only thing that is constant is change.
I see God bringing necessary changes your way in Jesus Name- Amen.
Brethren, Faith does not mean that i do not feel the pain. Faith means,I feel the pain but i refuse to consider the pain, i refuse to let it dictate my actions. Never let what you see, how you feel, or any thing contrary to the word of God run your life.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Attend The Redeemed Christian Church Of God Holy Ghost Congress This December, Starting from 13th to 18th.  For God Has Spoken Through His Servant PASTOR. E.A ADEBOYE  That ALL WILL BE WELL. Expect A Touch From Heaven During The CONGRESS.

Monday, November 22, 2010


TEXT: ISAIAH. 61:6-7

Have you suffered some shame in the past or are you passing through some shameful situation right now? I have a good news for you - get ready to receive double compensation for all your shame that has ever come upon you. I therefore, decree double compensation for you in Jesus name.
You must understand that double compensation is higher than restoration. Restoration is  for me to return what i have taken from you but God is saying i will give you double of what the enemy have taken from you. Rejoice for your time to receive double of all that u have lost is here in Jesus name.
ZECHARIAH. 9:12. God says is going to give double to all the prisoner of hope. Meaning, if you are among the people that have been held a long time in anticipation then you are qualify to receive double compensation. Meaning it seems as if its no going to happen but you still hope for change, hoping for your Baby,deliverance,prosperity,that job. The Lord says double portion is coming your way. The Lord says today not tomorrow i will render double unto you. For some of you that have been trusting the Lord for your Baby, because you have much time, you will be pregnant once and give birth to twins,triplets. You will enter into the labour room once and come out with Double,i mean twins in Jesus name.
Beloved, can you still remember the case of Job( Job.42:10). For all that he suffered God gave him double for all.I encourage you to expect double compensation from God because you serve the same God that Job serve and Bible says is the same yesterday,today and forever (Heb.13 :8) meaning that what He has done before, He can do them again and again. If you carefully compare Job.42:12and Job.1:2-3 you will discovered that God gave Job double for all that he lost in the time of his affliction.
I know you are here this day,you have pass through a lot lately, God is saying that for all your pain,lack ,suffering,embarrassment,wasted years,wasted  efforts, you will receive double compensation.God Himself will compensate you.
I therefore, proclaim double compensation into your life in Jesus name-Amen.
Am expecting to hear your testimony.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


TEXT: PS.24:7-10
Behind every gate, there is an enemy. Behind every gate there are treasures. But its your responsibility to command every gate that is standing as barrier to your testimony. Beloved, Its time for you to rise up and challenge your challenger and always bear in mind that you are not fighting alone. I look forward to hearing your testimony for you are the next in line.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



One of the wonderful blessings of the new creation life is our privilege to talk directly to God in  prayer, and receive answers. When Jesus walked the earth anyone who needed divine intervention or wanted anything from God had to get Jesus and make requests of  Him.
But towards the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus declared "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily,verily, i say unto you, whatsoever you ask the father in my name, He will give to you. Hitherto have ye ask nothing in my name: ask,and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full"(JOHN.16:23-24).
Beloved,you have the right to pray directly to the Father in the name of Jesus and receive answers to your prayers.
What are you still waiting for? Go ahead ask the Father anything in the Name of Jesus, for He is more willing to give you answers to your prayers. Matt.7:11 says "If ye then, though evil, know how to give good things to your  children, how much more shall your Father which is in Heaven give GOOD THINGS to them that ask Him.
GOOD THINGS could be: Healing,Blessing, Breakthrough, Admission, Promotion, Success, Building of your own, Visa e.t.c
Go ahead and receive your good things in the place of prayer, for it is your Fathers  desire for you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010



John.3:16 - for God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Irrespective of where you are right now, i like to let you that God loves you with eternal love and He desire that you come back to Him if you have not repented your ways.
God has given us everything through his love, meaning we can receive everything if only we receive His love. Everything is about love affairs. For instance, if you love someone you will more than ready to give something of valuable to such person (Matt.7:7-16). Receive His love today and every other things shall be yours.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


YOUR PATH: This is a new week. May God go before you and straighten your path.
Pro.4:18 says the path of the just is like a shining light that shine more and more unto  the perfect day.I therefore, prophesy that no death, failure,accident,poverty,disappointment,disfavor in your path this week. This week i see you shinning,prospering,favored and blessed  in the name Jesus.


TEXT:  JOHN.21:1-12

1. Nothing works when you working in disobedience (Jhn.21:3)
2. Net breaking experience does not respond to laborers works. Peter toil all night but when he responded to         divine  instruction, things changed positively for him.(Jhn.21:6,2Kgs.4:3-7)
3. God knows where the fishes (abundance,breakthroughs,success) are in the sea. (Sea represents       the     world).
4. The resources(abundance of the sea) are at God's command. Simon Peter had a net            breaking   
      harvest  at   Jesus  command.
5. Every instruction,word from the Lord is for our best interest, and not necessarily for   our                 
 humiliation. (2Kgs.5:10-11). i.e Elijah was being led by God regarding what to do to Namman.  The lord did not only want him to  lean a lesson in humility and obedience, He wanted men of all ages to learn that God does not honor human greatness and that His thought is our thought and His ways are not our ways.(Is.55:8-9)
6. God takes care of every business that is committed to His care.
7. God never default in His word. He watches His word to bring it to pass.
 Hold on to God in His word and you will see Him coming through for you in your situations.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


TEXT: GEN.13:5-13

Student fail for a number of reasons,but one thing is common to all cases. Failure does not happen instantaneously; it is always the end of a process. This is true of failure in a Christian life as well. The story of Lot in Genesis is a sad case of a believer who failed.
He was mentioned three times in 2Pet.2:6-8 as a righteous man but righteous Lot failed to use his life for God. As growing Christian let's make every effort to avoid these five steps down the road to ruin.
1. Wrong perspective of the world
    Gen.13:10-15; 1Jhn.2:16-17; 2 Pet.3:10-13.
2. Flirting with the world
    Gen.13:12-13; Gen.13:18
3. Involved in the world
    Gen.14:12; Jhn.17:13-18
4. Ensnared by the world
5. Destroyed by the world
    Gen.19:30-38; Ps.83:1-8
    A warning
    Lot failure, which began with a step, had a disastrous effects on himself, his family and finally all Israel. The  story of Lot is clear and solemn warning to every Christian. Don't take the step down the road to ruin.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


TEXT: Gen.49:1,19;Mk.4:35-39;Mk.5:1-10.

There is something about the patriarch, the men that lived and walked with God,before they die,they have the ability through the prophetic eye to predict what the future holds for their children. So, before Jacob he said Gather unto me ye sons of Jacob and i shall tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.
Jacob started with Reuben and then came to Gad one of his sons and predicted saying Gad a troop shall overcome thee but you shall overcome at last.Meaning that though a troop shall overtake him but he will not die in that situation, That is why i know that whatever you are passing through now will not kill you in the name of Jesus.
Even Joseph before his death called his brethren and predicted the future saying that a deliverer will come and deliver the Israelite but that they should take his bones along to the promise land. The patriarch have the ability to speak prophetically concerning events of thousands year to come. When we receive prophecy, it could be  for the generations to come.
Jacob said, Gad a troop shall overcome but you shall overcome at last. The word troop also means legion. According to Mk.4:35-39, on a particular day Jesus was ministering to the multitudes and suddenly He sent the people away and told His disciple that there is a need to cross over Jordan because that day is the day of freedom for one of Jacobs seed.
A day is so important in the life of a man, because you can tell which day is your day of visitation. Your lot change for the best in just one day e.g David, Gideon,Saul e.t.c. So take heed how you spend your day because the one that created you is watching and counting your days. I pray that God will release upon you the grace to be at the right place at the right time in the name of Jesus.
On this particular day the Mad man of Gardarer was waiting for his deliverance because he is one of the seed of Gad.Brethren, this particular seed of Jacob has suffered so much but just in one day,his story changed forever.I pray for you that God will bring about the necessary change that you desire into your life in a day that you least expected it in Jesus name.
This man did not die in his affliction and that is why i know that you will not die in whatever  affliction that you are passing through. In fact you are coming out of that situation with testimony. Mk.5:20 says the mad man departed and became an evangelist to ten cities preaching the word of God. You too will come out of that situation and your testimony will bring glory  to God.
Father,reverse every negative situation in my life in Jesus name.


TEXT: NUMBERS.14:26-30;EZEKIEL.37:1-14

Based on our text, the Almighty God  made us to understand that we can create our world by what say. According to God ,He is listening waiting to hear us speak about our lives, businesses, health,marriages e.t.c. As we speak, God said that He will do that which we have spoken in His hearing.  No wonder Rom.10:10 says that we are not saved until we confess with our mouth.
The saying like father like son is applicable to us as believers because that was the method God used in creating the Heaven and the Earth. Gen.1:3 says and God said.......  what are you saying about your life, business,marriage e.t.c.
In Ezekiel 37:1-14, God made the prophet to understand that it is what the prophet says that He will do. Bringing the invisible to physical manifestation demands that we speak forth our desires in line with the word of God. No wonder Prov.18:21 says the power of life and death is in our tongues and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Beloved,i welcome you to a new world where you have what you say. Note also that every negative world you speak about your life will limit the ability of God to act on your behalf.
Therefore, change your word and see your world changed positively.
If the dry bone could hear, who says that your womb,business, finances,marriages cannot hear the when you speak? Beloved,go ahead and speak forth for your world is about to change for the best.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


TEXT: 1 JOHN.3:8

There are many destroyer both in the Bible days and our contemporary time.
They are:
1. people that destroy other by the words of their Mouth,Pen and others through killing fellow human being through which ever means.
2. Jn.10:10 introduces to us another destroyer which Satan. He has destroyed and still destroying lives,businesses,career,health,finances e.t.c.
3. Jesus. Our text introduces Jesus to us as the ultimate destroyer. He is the ultimate destroyer because He is sovereign over all things both living and non living because by Him all things were created both in Heaven and on Earth. Meaning He can destroy all the works of the devil like poverty,sickness,failure,barrenness and so on  in your live. He is the ultimate destroyer because He is the Almighty God,the Man of war.
For instance when Pharaoh was stubborn and will not let the people of God move out of Egypt the land of bondage to serve the Almighty God (Exd.5:2), the ultimate destroyer destroyed him and his host.
James.4:12a says this ultimate destroyer can save and also destroy.
Conclusion: Trust the ultimate destroyer to destroy every works  of the devil in your live.
1. Father, you are the ultimate destroyer,destroy every works of the devil in life in Jesus name.
2. Father do unto me what no man can do in Jesus name.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


TEXT: 1Kgs. 17:8-16; 11Kgs. 4:1-7

How many of want to be very great?
Introduction: T he new birth which is the heart of Christianity guarantees our greatness. Lk. 7:28 says "for i say unto you, among those who are born of woman there is no greater prophet than John the Baptist; but the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John than Baptist"
There is no limit to how great God can make us as long as we corporate with Him. However, we can determine how great we become by our dept of relationship with God.
1. A deep relationship with God (Gen.12:1-3; Mt.6:33). Why deep relationship with God?   We need a deep relationship with God because our faith will be tested. Faith that is not tested cannot be trusted. - Abraham,Job and others were tested. It is your relationship that will determine your depth and your depth determines your height. Normally, a high rise building must have deep foundation that for support.
Mt.7:24-27 says  therefore whosoever hears these saying of mine,and does them, I will liken to a wise man,which built his house on a rock; and the rain descended, and the flood came, and winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock, And everyone that hears  these saying of mine, and does them not, is liken to a foolish man, which built his house upon sand: And the rain descended, and the flood came, and the wind blew, and beat upon that house: and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
In the above quotation Bible talks about two house that stood and were doing great until the element of testing came.  These elements of testing are:
1. RAIN: It stand for blessing, for God test with blessing to introduce riches (Prov.10:22). If can stand the blessing then you are qualify for riches but some of  sticks to the blessing that we never enter the place of riches'. Like the young rich guy that got bumper and all that came to his mind was how he will consume all by himself but God made demand for his soul that night.
2. FLOOD:  Is.59:19b says when the enemy shall come like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him. It stands for the enemy attack or evasion  and it is our depth in God based on our relationship that will determine our survival. Remember Job.
3. WIND: Speaks of change and that is the way of life. The only thing that is constant is change. For nothing is permanent and that why we need to rest on the everlasting Arm of God.
What is your relationship like? Will you be able to say like Job that though He slay me yet i will trust Him ( Job 13:15)?
Brethren, check your relationship with God. Are you serving God because of what you can get alone? It is all about relationship with God. Cultivate a deep relationship with God and watch your life changing from one level of glory to the other.



Title: Son of Man Prophesy
Text: Ezekiel. 37:1-11

Introduction: We often underrate the power of prophecy and therefore use our mouth to say all sorts of negative words forgetting the fact that (1Jn.4:4) says that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
We understand by Scriptures that God created everything by His spoken words and in like manner He expects us to change situations by declaring His position about those situations through our knowledge of the Scriptures.
Mark.11:20-23 says and in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance says unto Him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou caused withered away. And Jesus answering saying unto them, have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever  shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says. So talking about prophecy, it simply means declaring the mind of God in any situation. Therefore, it is not about my opinion, it is about what God says even if the situation is a hopeless one.  Dare to declare the mind of God.
2 kings .4:18-26 and not only that Numbers.14:28 show that God is waiting to hear you speak and prophesy to that dry bone in your life, business, marriage, health, finances and so on. Remember that you will always have what you say. Wouldn’t you spend some time to prophesy for God is waiting to hear you speak and not complain?
Deac. Tope Adekoye

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



There are rules or condition put in place to qualify us for some certain blessing,miracles,favor,promotion e.t.c. As long as these rules are in place, many of us are at disadvantage. For instance menopause. But i see God changing the rule for your favor.
Gen.48.17-18 we see Ephraim and Manneseh, Abel above Cain, Shem above Japhet, Abraham above Nahor,Jacob above Esau, David above his brothers, Solomon above his brothers. It does not matter the kind of rules that has been put in place, for i see God CHANGING THE RULE  in our favor.
Matt.15:22-28;Matt..10:5-6,emphasis is on the lost of the house of isreal.
The woman appealed to the virtue of God and had faith.
Virtue of God  are Mercy,Love e. t c.
Are you in tight corner,saying  no way again for you? Go ahead and appeal to His virtue and in no time God will break barriers and change rules in order for you to be blessed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


How many of you really need help? I see help coming your ways in Jesus name.
What does it mean to help?
1. It means assistance.
2. It means intervention.
3. To make it easier for someone to do his work.
4. To do something for someone in need.
Bible says that (Ps.46:1) God is our present help in time of trouble.
So it does not matter the kind of trouble or need you find yourself. I see God sending help to you in Jesus name.
Let us consider two critical cases to drive the fact that God is our only help and help.
Gen.30:1-2 established the fact that its only God alone that can help for there is little or nothing man can can do. Jacob declared that as far as hie wife case was concern he is helpless and that only God alone that can help.
2kgs.6:24-27. I know that as we cry yo God for help,He will hear us and help us in a possible way.
Do you need help? then cry unto Him

Friday, October 29, 2010


Wait for the time of yoour change. You may be tempted to qiut but this is not the time to quit for change for the best is coming your way sooner than you think.
Job.14:14 says all the day that has been appointed unto me,i will wait till my change come.
For it could be that your next step of faith that will deliver into your hands that desire breakthrough.
Brethren,wait!wait!! wait!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


TEXT: IS.49:24-26.

Prison speaks of confinement,stagnation,limitation,liken to grave,discomfort and so on.
But based on our text,it is obvious that whether you are a lawful captive or the captive of the mighty, God promises deliverance for you. So, because you are here you will come out of every confinement or prison in Jesus Name.
For it does not matter when or how you get there, for what really matter is the fact that you are coming out of that prison that has kept you bound for this years.
According to our text above, captive are of two kinds:
1. Lawful captive- this kind refer to people who imposed sentence of imprisonment upon their lives as a result of disobedience to God or
1. Believe that God can deliver you Heb.11:6.
2.Call on God Jer.33:3.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


TEXT: MT.18:18-20.
Life events are daily happenings. And  it could be good or bad.
Everybody loves good event happening to them or around  them. As a matter of fact, we daily look  forward to good  events.
The question is do we daily have good events?
- Ask a patient on the hospital bed and he will tell you that he thought he will be out of the hospital by now but the reality is that he is still there on the sick bed.
- Ask the unemployed and he will tell you that he thought he will get a job immediately after his National Youth Service but still no job.
- Ask some singles and they will tell you that they wish to get marry at a particular time but now they are still single.
- Ask a woman who has been trusting God for the f


1. There is no God.
2. God is mysterious and cannot be known by anyone.
3. God exist but does not care about us or anything we do.
4.God and Mother nature are one and the same.
5.There are many different gods.
6. We are all gods.
Sometimes their opinions contradict one another.
Sometimes they are confusing.

To find out what God says about Himself we must look in the Bible which is His word. Let us see what He says:
1. God knows all things, including all our thoughts, ways and words (Ps.139:1-4).
2. God can do all things;nothing is too hard for Him (Gen. 18:14).
3. God is everywhere; no one can possibly hide from Him (Jer.23:24).
4. God is eternal; He has no beginning and no end (Ps. 90:2; Heb.7:3).
5. God is unchanging;He never changes and neither does His Word (Mal.3:6)
6. God is holy;He cannot tolerates sin (1 Pet.1:15-16;Lev.20:26).
7. God is love in His very nature(1 Jn.4:8),and in His desire for us.
The Bible says this about Him: " God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life " (Jn. 3: 16).
It also says that "In this love of God was manifested towards us,that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might have life through Him. In this love, not that we loved God , but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation of our for our sin (1 Jn. 4:9-10)
Are you going to believe the opinion of men or the World of God?
You must choose what you believe because your choice will determine where you will spend your eternity.


TEXT: JUDGES.6:11-17
Introduction: Reaching your maximum in life demands that you know who you are. When you discovered who you rare , there are something you will  change about you. E.g you will not follow everybody to do everything because you know where you belong. Hosea.4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of  knowledge. Do you know why you are doing those things you are doing? those attitudes you often display, it's all because you have not discover yourself.
Brethren, there is an urgent need for you to discover who you are so that you can maximize your strength and all that GOD has made available for you in Christ Jesus.
We are in a World where people are defined by what they wear,where they they live,dresses they wear,school they attended,their problems,color,failure,achievements e.t.c. For instance, we have in the Bible the blind bertimeaus,the mad man of Gar darer, the woman with the issue of blood e.t.c.
But what really defines a man? is it the color, problems ,where he lives? The answer is NO. What defines a man is the dream,gift and the ordination of GOD upon his or her life.   Mt.3:1-6 for people went out to meet John the Baptist  in the wilderness not because of his dress or appearance because he was not having the best of appearance  but because of the ordination of GOD upon  his life. Pastor, are you saying that we should not look good? Not at all but am saying that we should not allow what we wear,where we live to stop our dream from speaking forth for your world is waiting for your manifestations as a child of GOD. Learn to define your self based on the report that GOD has given concerning us. Remember the 10 spies,8 of them gave their report based on their perception of themselves not as GOD perceive them.
Brethren,let us always define ourselves based on the reports that GOD gave about us in His word. For instance Rev.1:6 says we kings made by GOD,1 Pet.2:9 says we are the chosen of GOD and that we are peculiar. Brethren, people may take your garment like they did to Joseph but please do not allow them to take your dream for your world is waiting for your manifestation. I therefore decree that in no time that your dream shall speak forth in the name of Jesus. Hab.2:3 says your dreams and vision shall speak. May GOD give voice to your dreams and vision in Jesus name.
When you discover who you are then you will become a king indeed reigning in your world Judges.8:22.But beyond reigning your success is not a success until it outlive you so you need to stay connected to your source which is GOD. John.15:1-7,Deut.8:18. But if you have not given your life to Jesus i beg you to do that right away because you are like a Chicken in a Cage and the Devil your master may decide to kill you any day and nobody will stop him but you are a child of GOD then GOD will fight for you.
Prayer: Father reveal to me the purpose of my creation to me in Jesus Name.

Friday, October 22, 2010


TEXT: 1 SAM.2:3
Divine intervention is when GOD steps into a man/woman situation for change.Change for the best. Therefore, it could be from sickness to health,poverty to prosperity,barrenness to fruitfulness,failure to success,from obscurity to limelight,from nobody to somebody,from nonentity to a celebrity e.t.c.Looking through the scriptures,i discover that divine intervention can come to a man in three(3) ways.
1.When GOD sees your helplessness. E.g Jacob-Gen.30:30 ;31:10,the mad man of Gar darer-Mk.5:1-20;the man at the pool of Bethesda-Mt.5.1-9 e.t.c.God intervene in their situation  because God saw their helplessness. Brethren,do not give up for help is on the way for you.
2. When you invite God into tour situation the you also stand to receive divine intervention.E.g the Israelite-Ex.3;7-9,the man  blind Bartimeaus e. t. c. Mt.7:7 says when we call,we should be ready for divine intervention.
3. By an act E.g Solomon,the Zaraphat widow.E.t.c.
You can trust God to come through for you as you trust in Him.


Brethren,some miraculous,divine things must happen in your life to convince the unthinking unbelieving world that verily there is a GOD that rules in the affairs of men.
This same GOD advances men to power and dominion that little expected it Ps.113:5-9.
According to our text,GOD is in the business of  intervening in the affairs of His children,so that the living may know that though Satan is the god of this world,the Almighty GOD created him and whenever His children cries to Him ,He pays attention to their cries so that the living may know that Jehovah rules in the affairs of men.
That is why i know that whoever is interfering with the government of God for you life will have GOD to deal with. Although,there are many rulers in different kingdom but there is only one superior ruler and His name is Jehovah,the Almighty GOD.
For instance He can turn the heart of men to whichever way He wanted,He can lift up a beggar  from a dunghill and made him to be seated with the princes of this world,He can heal what men calls incurable disease,infact, He can break rules set by Himself in order to favor His righteous cause, He can make the impossible to become possible e.t.c. All of these and more He can do so that the living may that Jehovah rules in the affairs of men.


All that we see happening today was not so in the beginning.Because all that GOD created in the beginning was good. So, for us to understand we where are coming from,we need to critically look at the Book of Genesis before the fall of man to really understand who we are in Christ Jesus.
The question is what do we have in the beginning? We had everything except lack,sickness,poverty,barrenness e.t.c. Satan our enemy corrupted everything and Adam handed everything to him whose mission is in John.10:10;Matt.13:24-25.
Thank GOD that JESUS came and restored everything back to us so that we can now live in dominion over the works the the devil. So it's left for us to those things that JESUS purchased for us by for force Matt.11:12.
Beloved,go ahead and reject everything that was not part of your salvation package.
Not saved? Go ahead and give your life to JESUS and HE will save your soul even now.


TEXT: 2SAMUEL.23:8-10
Becoming a mighty man for GOD is the desire of every Christian but how many are really mighty for GOD?
Many prayed to GOD to them mighty without considering some ingredients  that they need to become mighty for GOD. Based on our our text,i discovered that those men possessed some qualities that made them different from other David's men.
1. Faithfulness: Faithfulness to the master's business.1cor.4:2;Matt.25:14;Luke.16:10.
2.Fearlessness: He stood his ground in the mist of oppositions.Rev.21:18;2sam.23:10.
3.Full of fight: He struck the enemy until his hand grew tired and froze.
Conclusion: Whoever that desires to become mighty for GOD should consider those qualities and imbibe them and in no time such person will records great exploit for GOD.