Wednesday, November 10, 2010


TEXT: Gen.49:1,19;Mk.4:35-39;Mk.5:1-10.

There is something about the patriarch, the men that lived and walked with God,before they die,they have the ability through the prophetic eye to predict what the future holds for their children. So, before Jacob he said Gather unto me ye sons of Jacob and i shall tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.
Jacob started with Reuben and then came to Gad one of his sons and predicted saying Gad a troop shall overcome thee but you shall overcome at last.Meaning that though a troop shall overtake him but he will not die in that situation, That is why i know that whatever you are passing through now will not kill you in the name of Jesus.
Even Joseph before his death called his brethren and predicted the future saying that a deliverer will come and deliver the Israelite but that they should take his bones along to the promise land. The patriarch have the ability to speak prophetically concerning events of thousands year to come. When we receive prophecy, it could be  for the generations to come.
Jacob said, Gad a troop shall overcome but you shall overcome at last. The word troop also means legion. According to Mk.4:35-39, on a particular day Jesus was ministering to the multitudes and suddenly He sent the people away and told His disciple that there is a need to cross over Jordan because that day is the day of freedom for one of Jacobs seed.
A day is so important in the life of a man, because you can tell which day is your day of visitation. Your lot change for the best in just one day e.g David, Gideon,Saul e.t.c. So take heed how you spend your day because the one that created you is watching and counting your days. I pray that God will release upon you the grace to be at the right place at the right time in the name of Jesus.
On this particular day the Mad man of Gardarer was waiting for his deliverance because he is one of the seed of Gad.Brethren, this particular seed of Jacob has suffered so much but just in one day,his story changed forever.I pray for you that God will bring about the necessary change that you desire into your life in a day that you least expected it in Jesus name.
This man did not die in his affliction and that is why i know that you will not die in whatever  affliction that you are passing through. In fact you are coming out of that situation with testimony. Mk.5:20 says the mad man departed and became an evangelist to ten cities preaching the word of God. You too will come out of that situation and your testimony will bring glory  to God.
Father,reverse every negative situation in my life in Jesus name.

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